Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Nice winter day

 Spent the morning inside finally getting the Christmas decor packed up, at least the house stuff.  Still need to organize the outdoor things and get them packed away.  Usually it is cold and I think next year I will go through it....we have a couple more nice days promised to us, so maybe....   Last year, sad to say, the outdoor decorations were just stacked in the garage until summer.  I really need to get a few more storage tubs to do things right.

Was a lovely winter afternoon....I set up a heated water tub for the young goats, and redid one by the chicken house.  That was a lot of water bucket carrying....I could have gotten the hose out, but sure hate draining those things, and decided it was a better idea to carry buckets!

Jim moved several bales of hay, pretty cold days are coming next week, so that is done and ready.  He is working on making some hot house beds.  We have a small green house, but have never figured out a good way to heat it during the coldest months.  He also worked on cleaning up and painting a wood burning stove that we were given last week.  Sure looks better!  Hope to put it in the garage one day.

I have to brag on myself.... I washed the sheets today, ok that isn't such a great accomplishment, but when they were dry I took them in and made the bed immediately....now that is the great thing!!  I always forget... and it is time for bed... and it isn't made....it makes me so frustrated with myself!  I have turned over a new leaf in the new year!

Country Blessings......

1 comment:

  1. Good for you with the bed making. I get so frustrated with myself as I do the same thing. At least one of us has gotten it right this year! LOL
