Monday, January 3, 2011


The first Monday of the New Year....a fresh start for the week and for the year!  Most people find it strange when I say that Monday is my favorite day of the week....the majority would choose Friday I guess.  It can change for various reasons sometimes, but for the most part I love Mondays!  It is exciting to me to look ahead and think about all the wonderful things I will get done through the week ahead! Now, all of those wonderful things don't always happen....but on Monday I think it is possible!

Some of the reason is because we worked in the food business for quite a few years and Monday was our day off!  Now, during the summer months we do Farmers Market on Saturday mornings, it is a lot of work getting ready and getting up early that morning, loading, Monday we are ready to relax as much as possible!

This Monday brought a new venture for me.  Our little church is growing and so needs someone to fill the Secretary spot.  So I started that part time job this afternoon!  It will be 6 hours a week, so that leaves plenty of time to do the things that need done around here, and still will provide a little extra income.  There has not been a secretary position before, so it is a see what needs to be done and figure it out type of job at this point.  I think I will enjoy it, and looking forward to serving the Lord in this new way.

Country Blessings......


  1. Good luck with the new job. I'm sure you will be great at it!

  2. I am a big Monday fan, as well. Have always looked forward to Mondays for they are full of production and I'm usually still feeling fresh and full of energy on Monday. By Wednesday, I'm starting to think about taking a day off!
